Betrium the future of gambling. Worldwide betting platform with API

Betrium The Future of Gambling
Beterium is the solution partly decentralized worldwide betting exchange and sportsbook that has lowest commissions, accepts cryptocurrencies and offers platform for event organizers, developers and third-party service providers. We made some research of the betting and gambling markets and bookmakers' business model. After months of analysis, our Team came to the conclusion of building own advanced and fair service based on powerful blockchain technology.
In Betrium bets happen off-chain and only added when the event happens and the outcome is undeniable. However the bets are broadcasted all over the network instantly for the odds to be recalculated. That means, in contrast to competitors, we are able to provide high-speed betting service built on decentralized IT architecture.
In Betrium bets happen off-chain and only added when the event happens and the outcome is undeniable. However the bets are broadcasted all over the network instantly for the odds to be recalculated. That means, in contrast to competitors, we are able to provide high-speed betting service built on decentralized IT architecture.
Betrium offer a unique creation platform for event organizers. The platform gives opportunity to create events (and particularly cyber sport streams) to the Betrium betting platform and make profit on betting using a powerful blockchain technology, The event organizers receive 80% of net income earned from betting. For example, e-game organizer or player can create the match on the Betrium, add potential outcomes and publish it. Betrium will automatically adjust the odds to make it profitable. In future, Betrium may become a worldwide betting processing center providing its core to the huge number of services.
establishing its own advanced and fair service based on strong blockchain technology. Betrot Bets occur outside the chain and are only added when the event occurs and the results can not be denied. But the stakes are broadcast across the network instantly for the possibility of being recalculated. That means, unlike competitors, we are able to provide high-speed betting services over decentralized IT architecture.
The gambling industry is growing and moving towards. Gambling has taken part in most people's lives and the Market Overview illustrates this. Betrot Bets take place outside the chain and are added only when the event occurs and the results can not be denied. But bets are broadcast across the network instantly for opportunities to be recalculated. That means, unlike competitors, we can provide high speed betting services built on decentralized IT architecture
The adventages of Betrium
- Betrium provides unique betting creation platform for event organizers such as e-sport streamers or small sport leagues.
- Betrium works globally and supports crypto-currencies withdrawals all around the world. 24/7 support on 18 languages.
- Betrium does not take comission from money deposits and withdrawals, winnings. Also do not take taxes on personal income.
50% of Betrium’s profit will share between tokens holders. The rest 50% will be spent on platform developing and support. Example: If you hold 1% of all issued Betrium tokens, you will receive 0.5% share of all net profit.

- 10% PRE-ICO
- 45% ICO
- 20% SCO
- 20% Management
- 5% Advisors
Total token supply: 140.000.000 BTRM token (The tokens will be issued during the pre-ICO and ICO).
Early Pre-ICO
Dates: 23th October — 22 November 2017
6000 token per 1 ETH
Token price: 0.000166 ETH
SOFT CAP: 320 ETH (571 ETH raised)
SUPPLY: 4.000.000 BTRM
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