What is AIREXE? is a modern crypto-fiat currency exchange.
The cryptocurrency market is booming and it becomes clear that there is a need for a new generation of Crypto-Fiat Exchange. The new exchange must be clean from the beginning, following KYC / AML / KKP rules and regulations. It is expected that many existing Exchanges will be closed due to uncertainty and non-transparent origin. There are a number of problems / problems with existing exchanges, which, on AIREXE exchange, will be fixed and resolved.
AIREXE will follow and comply with the rules, licensing requirements, taxation and will operate completely legally.
Stock Solutions and Profits
AIREXE ✔️ Highest security measures - latest technology in authentication and biometrics for mobile users
✔️ Cooperation with regulators and government. Following the rules. Permissions. Taxation.
✔️ Responsive Customer Support - 24/7 direct customer support, with timely response
✔️ Getting started and quick tutorials for beginner merchants
✔️ Transparency of project ownership
✔️ Attention to mobile users - exchange of devices that are completely neutral with the original App
✔️ Integration with new blockchains, coins, tokens (for example - integration with TON, Telegram Open Networks)
✔️ Institution and assessment analysis (provide analysis and professional assessment of cryptocurrency for projects, tokens and cryptocurrencies)
ICO Detail, Token
AIRX AIREXE token Name: Token Token digit: 18 The Tokenization asset Offers AIRX token sales starting from 19 March to 2018 and lasts until 30 April-2018 Standard Token: Ethereum blockchain standard, ERC-223 (including ERC20 standard) Smart Contract: 0x0000000000000000 (to be published on March 15) Soft Cap: 950,000 USD Project Goal: 16,000,000 USD Hard Cap: 32,000,000 USD
If Soft Cap is not achieved, then all donated funds will be returned back to the contributor within 15 days after TAO expires.
There are two ways to buy an AIRX token:
OPTION 1 Buy with ETH. Send ETH to AIREXE smart contract
To purchase AIRX token send ETH from your Ethereum wallet to the smart 0x0000000000000000 contract address (will be published on March 15). AIRX Token will be sent back to your address immediately.
AIRX price depends on the amount of your contribution:
✪ 0.01 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment of less than 2 ETH (ie 1 ETH = 100 AIRX) ✪
✪ 0.009 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment from 2 ETH to 10 ETH (ie 1 ETH = 110 AIRX) ✪
✪0,008 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment of 10 ETH and more (ie 1 ETH = 125 AIRX) ✪
OPTION 2 Buy with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereal minimum contribution amount
in the minimum amount in BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC must be greater than the equivalent of 10 ETH.
The purchase of an AIRX token with BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC is being done in manual mode after an agreement with the AIREXE administrator. Please write to the administrator in charge of Telegram @alex _james, to approve all purchase details of the AIRX token.
Use of AIRX Token
After the AIREXE crypto-fiat exchange has launched its operation, the AIRX token will be traded on exchange from the first day. No more AIRX tokens will be issued by the AIREXE company, other than those issued and sold in circulation during ICO. The AIRX token exchange rate on AIREXE will be, obviously, higher than the sale price during TAO.
Here's how AIRX is guaranteed by AIREXE:
✪ 1. AIREXE exchange will receive a trading commission on AIRX ✪The payment commission on AIRX will be much cheaper than other cryptocurrencies.
✪ 2. Buy time for 0% total - buy trading on AIREXE ✪
Buy a zero commission period for your needs - one week, one month, three months or more. Save on day commissions by purchasing a commission free period with an AIRX token.
✪ 3. Use AIRX to access advanced and professional functionality ✪
For wholesalers or professionals, AIREXE will have advanced Professional functionality.
Access to this function will be charged additional fees. It is best to pay an AIRX token for Pro functionality, as it will be much cheaper than paying for other cryptocurrencies.
✪ 4. Payment for listing at AIREXE ✪
Projects - ICO, ITO, TGE, TAOs, or cryptococcal blockcains and forks can pay AIRX for token and coin list. AIRX paid projects for the list will (a) be prioritized for processing request lists and (b) personal managers assigned to continue the listing process and support lists thereafter.
✪ 5. Payment to access the function of the more advanced Project Rating Agency ✪
Purchased our research on crypto listed or on a project that did a cryptococcal fundraiser. The research will be based on the company's fundamental indicators and incorporate methodologies from classical rating agencies (Fitch, Moody's, S & P) and community activities of crypto.
✪ 6. Sell AIRX token in exchange ✪
Sell ​​and buy AIRX token in exchange.
Teams and Counselors
The team provided here is the Core Team of our AIREXE project. The core team of the AIREXE project consists of a total of 25 people for development, launch and operation. Additional team members will be hired to gain customer support and other parts of the project. AIREXE will use some professional subcontractor companies for some types of works and services (such as for security and audit services, smart contract and blockchain audit, optimization, etc.).
for more information, please go to see link below:
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